The battle of the holy grounds.
We are at war! Only Princess Ramla would dare to strike me on the grounds of a covent. D4mn it it seems as if i gave the diplomacy between linkintopia and the darksided kingdom too much credit and once again a skermish has arisen between our forces. Still, infront of the Crimson's holy father? And what of the oath of silence between Mr. Sanderson and I you may inquire. Well to end this war i must reveal this and betray my oath which would have a few undesired concequences: the betrayl of an oath and the return of Mr. Sanderson's generous "gifts." Alson I have suffer a great disrespect during our skermish and the only way for me to regain face is to continue with my retaliation attempt tommorow. I seemed to have acquired the assistance of the rogue in the exchange of excess food rations but he has proven to be unreliable and possibly the assistance of the great knight, unfourtunately Mr. Macro and Mr. Rojerz has joined the side of Princess Ramla as revealed in a surprised attack in which the attempted to halt me force untill she arrived with hers. Of course Mr. Sanderson will remain anonimous and cannot participate in this war as it would reveal himself. All ready i ave suffered great losses. It is my personal feeling that every loss, damage and drop of blood shed will be for nothing. It is a dark day in the crimsen lands, a dark red day. A light rain can be felt across the holy grounds.
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