Saturday, June 25, 2005

Reforging the Path

After a very long break in contact trading and commerce slowly resumed between the Dark Sided and Linkintopia Kingdoms. Many believe that this was due to illegal trade routes between rebell merchants but I have yet to comment ;) How or why bonds of freindship were reforged between Princess Ramla and Lord Geddon is unknown and at this point irrelevant. When the futility of war is recognised man is at peace. With full kingdom relations restored the Treaty Of Peccatus was developed to signify a new erra of peace. In all of this Mr. Sanderson slipped away into the darkness his name never to be spoken again.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Dark Place

See the darkness in things in the world and the world puts the darkness in you. Darkness is a seed in everyone waiting to be grown, nutured by the gently currents of anger, jealousy and the subtle care of fear. Evil isnt dark, we just want it to be. Because if we didn't have a name to call it we'd be even more a afraid. We fear the unknown, human nature... so lets just call it darkness.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Counter Strike

My counter attack strategy was not "completely" succesful. Yet it still achieved an inturesting result. I believe that it is quite obvious that of all the nations I rule over neither the strongest nor the most important but we still sustain. We do well enough. The Kingdom of Linkintopia is one to rival my own so a change in tactics is neccessary. So with some quick alterations to the counter attack force instead of destroying my opponent our goal had shifted to brealing her will. To formulate some way to break the leader. If you kill the king the next heir will arise but break the king and the kingdom shall have a distraught ruler. How i accomplished this is too horrific to reaveal......and creapy. I do not celebrate victory even with my goal accomplished, attacks seem to have halted and all comunications stopped but my enemy bears a deep seated resnentment. This may have bought us a tempory break but have we loss all hope to peace?