Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The battle of the holy grounds.

We are at war! Only Princess Ramla would dare to strike me on the grounds of a covent. D4mn it it seems as if i gave the diplomacy between linkintopia and the darksided kingdom too much credit and once again a skermish has arisen between our forces. Still, infront of the Crimson's holy father? And what of the oath of silence between Mr. Sanderson and I you may inquire. Well to end this war i must reveal this and betray my oath which would have a few undesired concequences: the betrayl of an oath and the return of Mr. Sanderson's generous "gifts." Alson I have suffer a great disrespect during our skermish and the only way for me to regain face is to continue with my retaliation attempt tommorow. I seemed to have acquired the assistance of the rogue in the exchange of excess food rations but he has proven to be unreliable and possibly the assistance of the great knight, unfourtunately Mr. Macro and Mr. Rojerz has joined the side of Princess Ramla as revealed in a surprised attack in which the attempted to halt me force untill she arrived with hers. Of course Mr. Sanderson will remain anonimous and cannot participate in this war as it would reveal himself. All ready i ave suffered great losses. It is my personal feeling that every loss, damage and drop of blood shed will be for nothing. It is a dark day in the crimsen lands, a dark red day. A light rain can be felt across the holy grounds.

> see disclaimer.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Inter Kingdom relation ships.

At this very moment I am experiencing one a most disturbing situtation in the lands of Crimson crest. The ruler of an allied kingdom (ie. one of my freinds who we shall refer to as "Mr. Sanderson" cuz the guy whatches as much faerie odd parents as i do.... yes i still whatch those cartoons ok) gained access to my personal messaging seal bcuz I left it ungaurded and commiunicated to Princess Ramla of Linkintopia. Now ummm.... this princess is, how do i say it? she has been endowed with certain feminine prowess above that of normal women in our class...or in the state of Nevada :) ... and the disgracefull Mr. Sanderson is pure evill its that simple. I mean the guy is really really evill. The things he said in my name waz jus plain wrong. Among which were some insults upon me. Princess Ramla would never belive that i could write such horrid things about her. But when I told Mr. Sanderson what she would possibly do to him...(for it has been recorded in the ancient texts that princess ramla would strike down foes in their manhood ie. shell kick you in your balls.) Mr. Sanderson was in disarray. Really, really freaked out. So at his personal request I have agreed to reamain silent. In a completely unrelated matter Mr. Sanderson has conveyed upon a quit resonable bounty.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Never trust anyone.

Why!? Insolent, arogant, trechorous, betraying... no word comes to mind that describes the hatred in me now! Never trust people. It's my fault. People can only hurt you if you let them in. I should have never let them in, never trusted them and never cared. When you trust you let your guard down. Its stupid really. Then why do any of us do it, trust. Its a show of faith in another person, to say that believe that you wouldn't or couldn't hurt me. Well they can, will and did and you know what else it does hurt. Its hurts every one doesnt it, to be betrayed no matter how small ...sigh.. or how many times. Im too trusting, too kind, to genourous or at least im mor than i want to be. Why is it so hard not to care. To just give up on some one and let them burn, leave to them let their lives cave in on themselves. Yet i continued and will continue because that is who i am. I am me... trusting, kind and genourous me. No matter how hard i try not to be or what kind of person i try to make people think i am.. its in my nature, loyalty justice compassion its in me whether or not you see it. I dissapoint myself.......

> Articles on this blog do not represent any real veiws, opinions or feelings of the author. They are not based on any real event as far as the reader is concerned

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Love song by someone with no one to love.

..........Coming Soon..........
This is where i would write a love song that is directly from my heart and soul but the problem is that all the words that I want to put here just keep appearing and disappearing. Like random thoughts that just float by,worth every moment that it warms me but so hard for me to grasp. Who do these emotions belong to? Why is it so hard to hold on to them? Why does it hurt when i loose them? If I could answer these questions then.....would it be love?

What i did today

-Woke up.
-Went Back to sleep.
-Woke up.......again.
-Whatched TV.
-Turned on computer.
-Waited for computer to start up.
-ADD kicked in, got destracted by a butterfly.
-Had Breakfast.(Soda and..............well soda.)
-Whatched more TV.
-Stared at homework.........ummmmm....yeah..
-Checked computer.....still not started up yet.
-Went outside to water the yard.
-Burried a "time capsule." Ie. An empty bottle with worthless kr4p in it.
-Checked computer.......not yet.
-Unburried "time capsule."
-Recolected about fond childhood memories about..........35 mins ago. :)
-Checked computer............still nothing.
-Had lunch.(Soda.........with cheese, i am a man who enjoys a fine piece of cheese)
-Played X-box.(Ahh Halo 2, thnx to you i kan solve all my problems with guns.)
-Had dinner.(Ran out of soda soooo...Ribena!)
-Checked computer...finally ready, YEAH!!!
-Wasted the next hour of my life on useless stuff.
-Got ready to go to bed.
-Yet again contemplate the futality of mankinds persistence for survival, the insignificancy of each individual human compared to the grand galatic scale, the inevitable doomed future of the world as we are already on the paths to destroy ourselves, everpresent evills and curruptions that taint this world and the few beautiful beacons of hope, love and light that could possible make every living breath worth not dieing.
-Slept......eventually....the nightmares dont come as often now.

>The above entry is not based on any factual event or a true event itself. Most situations in the entry are properties and have their origins purely from the writers imagination. They are the authors creation and may or may not reflect the authors personal veiws as far as the reader is concerned. The author did not state any forms or opinions of scuicide, depression, premeditated murder, extreme hatred, phsycologiacal complications or tendencies to become ovewhelmed with darkness. Please note that whether the information on this blog is reliable is up to the reader.

Friday, May 06, 2005

File//Audio media: My Pokemon

> My Pokemon
> Original Creator unknown
> Origin: A dp my cuz was using
> Modifications made by Mr. Geddon

My Pokemon brings all the gurls to ma yard,
and they're like..... do you wanna trade cards,
and im like.... yeh a wanna trade cards.
Ill trade things, but not this Charizard.

If you wanna......ill trade things with you.
Like my pikachu.
The things you do,
to make me trade with you.

Lala lala la....trade em up.
Lala lala la....my deck is stronger.

(Props to whoever came up with the idea)

File//CC Agent Codenames

For the protection of the special agents under the devision of the doomsday conspiracy organization full names shall not be stated.

S.M -
Queen Reen

K.H -
Mr. Rogerz
Matrix Dude

K.K -
Mr. Knight

J.Cl -
The Rogue

N.L -

A.M -
Mr. Geddon
Lord of DS (darksided) kingdom

J.Ch -
Dolphin Lad
Sketch Boy
Red Dread
Spedo Man
Sir Pudly
Commander Puds

S.T -

Z.B -
Library Faerie

N.W -
Dolphin Gurl

A.V -
Empress Rose Bloom
Pharoahess of Linkin Topia

Madam Nielle

Anal Avenger
Rectum Raider

Codenames may be reasighned at any givin time. Expect alterations.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Ahhh... my trusted chronicler. To you i entrust the secrets of my existence with the asurrance that they are safe from my enimies. Know that you are to be the most secure of all my creations spawned of idleness and procrastinations. Arise and embrace what is your right. Should your secruity ever be breached... that node shall be remade, should the knowledge held deep within you ever be accessed by one who is unworthy.... that knowledge shall be encoded tenfold and the impure one burned to ashes. Thus is my covenant to you. Arise and serve your Judicator, Mr.Geddon.