Back from The Land Of What Ever
Im back. I know its been a while since i've blogged but there was this ninjutsu cat sneaking in and one thing led to another and ........ I think I have add im sorry. So now im back to Blog with a vengence.
Points of note:
- I will definately try to upload pictures.
- Hope fully if no shiny objects are within the immediate area I can work on "The Battle for Middle Somewhere Land" and a script for a comic I want to start Eventually. (I will attempt to put more effort into them so they dont come out krapy)
Points of note:
- I will definately try to upload pictures.
- Hope fully if no shiny objects are within the immediate area I can work on "The Battle for Middle Somewhere Land" and a script for a comic I want to start Eventually. (I will attempt to put more effort into them so they dont come out krapy)
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